Report: The Yazidis – There is No Going Back to the Time Before the Genocide


April 2024

Report by PRO ASYL and Wadi, April 2024

With this report, PRO ASYL and Wadi are dra­wing atten­ti­on to the grim situa­ti­on of the Yazi­dis in Iraq – and at the same time cal­ling for an imme­dia­te nati­on­wi­de ban on depor­ta­ti­ons of Yazidis.

Sin­ce the geno­ci­de by the ter­ro­rist orga­niza­ti­on Isla­mic Sta­te in 2014 at the latest, the Sin­jar regi­on in nor­t­hern Iraq, whe­re the Yazi­dis have lived for cen­tu­ries, has beco­me a life-threa­tening hot­spot, descri­bes the report “Ten years after the geno­ci­de: The situa­ti­on of the Yazi­dis in Iraq”. Sta­te and non-sta­te actors are fight­ing ruthl­ess­ly for power and influence the­re. In the stra­te­gi­cal­ly important bor­der regi­on bet­ween Iraq, Syria, Tur­key and Iran, inte­rests are clas­hing – and the Yazi­dis are caught in the midd­le bet­ween all fronts. 200,000 are still stuck in Iraqi refu­gee camps with no pro­s­pect of being able to leave.

With around 250,000 peo­p­le, Ger­ma­ny not only has the lar­gest Yazi­di dia­spo­ra in Euro­pe, but also the second lar­gest in the world after Iraq. Alt­hough the Ger­man Bun­des­tag reco­gni­zed the per­se­cu­ti­on of the Yazi­dis as geno­ci­de at the begin­ning of 2023, even though the situa­ti­on in Iraq remains very uncer­tain, seve­ral fede­ral sta­tes have been deport­ing Yazi­dis to Iraq again for seve­ral months.

April 2024, 32 pages